Investment property analysis
Property Analysis
Due Diligence And R.O.I Critical For Japan Property Investment
For traditional property managers in Japan, asset management is often considered an unnecessary burden, or, when it is included in their property management strategy, it is tacked on as an afterthought.
Typically, property management companies in Japan focus their energies on closing sales, palming off properties, or—in the worst cases—cutting corners and making cursory efforts regarding return on investment (ROI).
Asset management is at the core of services at Axios Management—from ensuring ROI to managing your property, our investor-first approach means you can maximize your investment and enjoy short-, mid- and long-term returns.
What does asset management mean for us? First, we conduct above-and- beyond due diligence, including market surveys and planning, market analysis, and a property audit.
But due diligence is just the first step. Our next step is to focus on enhancing ROI, and that involves three stages: property enhancement, continuous property analysis, and an estimation of potential future incomes.
Unlike traditional property managers or property management companies in Japan, including those in Tokyo, we go that extra mile to make sure your money works for you, and you make a handsome return.
Rental property due diligence in japan
Consider due diligence. At least when it comes to property management in Japan, due diligence is often treated as a less-than-strictly-necessary sideshow. At Axios Management, due diligence is front and centre of what we do.
With regard to market surveys and planning, Axios Management carries out extensive data collection on local demographics, market trends, and investor sentiment. This allows us to identify optimum marketing strategies and target tenant profiles.
And as properties in Japan have peak rental months, Axios Management leverages this by executing tenancy leases at those times of the year to maximize revenues for owners.
For market analysis, we compare our client’s properties to similar offerings, and incorporate long-term trends and macroeconomic factors in the analysis. This lets us negotiate rent levels that are favorable for you and fair to tenants.
And because we understand that every property has unique characteristics, we carry out a comprehensive property audit to identify ways to add value. This includes recommendations for interior design, exterior renovation, or functional improvements.
Enhancing return on investment in japan
But due diligence is just the beginning. To ensure ROI via property enhancement, Axios Management uses our network of skilled and experienced contractors, and through them commissions cost effective and profitable improvements to properties.
And we do more. Through continuous property analysis, we take a proactive approach to property management and continuously identify issues that arise. These are resolved expeditiously at an early stage to avoid inconveniencing you and tenants.
And to understand the potential added income of your investment, our comprehensive property audits identify areas of improvement to optimize revenue and capital appreciation. We take a strategic approach, factoring in short- and long-term returns for your investment.

If you are looking for a trustworthy partner to manage your real estate and maximize your returns with a transparent process, then I would highly suggest working with Axios.
Owner, 134 apartments in Tokyo, Utsunomiya, and MatsuyamaReal estate companies want to lock in the sale but once you buy you need top people to manage your investment which is where most companies fail. This is where Axios Management excels. Axios Management is my trusted partner and one that I can highly recommend.
Owner, 70 apartments in Tokyo, Chiba, and MatsuyamaIf you have a building I cannot recommend Tsuyoshi and his company enough. They treat my building like it is their own. They are fast and professional. I am so happy I am using them.
Owner, 15 apartments in Tokyo